
Idiopathic head tremors in dogs


Idiopathic head tremors are common in young to middle aged dogs especially bulldogs, boxers and Labradors.

Although upsetting to owners, episodes are not painful or upsetting for the dog.

There is often a familial component and the tremors can be triggered by:

  • a recent painful event
  • a temporary dip in blood glucose
  • lowering of blood calcium
  • allergens
  • trauma
  • nothing discernible at all

It is easy to confuse the condition with focal seizures.

Anti-epileptic medication is not beneficial in true cases of idiopathic tremors. There is anecdotal evidence that feeding a sugar-rich meal can immediately alleviate the tremors, even in those cases where blood glucose levels have been normal.

Idiopathic head tremors in Bailey the boxer. Video: LaurenDu / YouTube


9 responses to “Idiopathic head tremors in dogs”

  1. Karen Lindsay Avatar
    Karen Lindsay

    My dog is a 4 yr old mixed breed (German Shepard/Cattle Dog). Adopted him a year and a half ago. Has suffered from monthly to quarterly horizontal head tremors. The last three episodes came within 48 hours of being given [two different medications]. I am discussing with my vet, the options to both these medications. I am wondering whether this has been observed by anyone else? Have read a study by Veterinary Medicine Intn’l from 2015 that noted 67 of 154 dogs in study were receiving medications at time of onset of IHTS and 85% of them were on heartworm and/or flea medications, thus prompting this question and concern.

    1. My mixed pup (boxer, lab, shephard, chow) gets these. They started after the first time we gave him heartworm meds around 6 months old. They kept up, just maybe one every few months, then got worse again after having to give him another deworming (not heartworm) at 2 years old. Benadryl also seems to bring them on in him. From once in a great while to at least every other day for a week after he had it. Hope this helps at all

      1. Often caused by tick and flea products. Whenever I give my little dog any of those products she has a seizure or tremors. Not sure what do do cause fleas bite her and being allergic to flea saliva we scratches all the time. Theses toxins should not be sold. If humans, these products would have taken off the market and shelves

    2. Our dog (2 year old boxer) experienced his first head tremors yesterday which lasted on and off for 6 hours. By distracting him each time they stopped. He is not currently on any medications and we do not know what triggered this or if it will happen again. Any tips or information is helpful! Thank you

      1. Rebecca Nichols Avatar
        Rebecca Nichols

        My 3.5 year old boxer just had this a week ago. It lasted for 5-10 seconds and then would subside. The entire episode lasted for 15 min. The only thing that would stop it was cheese. We believe our pup is calcium deficient. May I ask, what happens with your pup?

    3. Karen, I plan to switch Bailey to Frontiine Plus rather than Nexgard to see if there is any difference.

  2. I have a silver labrador retriever who this January began with vertical head tremors. She had several in January. I did not catch any in February, but she has had a couple in March. I had her checked out by a vet and she is healthy, eats well, and plays well. The last couple she had I tried calling her name but immediately put my palm under her chin and they stopped. She is on Nexgard and Interceptor plus.

  3. Christina Avatar

    Our male Siberian Husky has been having head tremors since around 4mths old. They started a couple times a week but now, at 6mths old, he has a few a day. They tend to happen when he’s tired – settling down to sleep or just waking up. Not nice to watch but distracting him helps. We never want to leave him along. We also have his sister but she’s been tremor free.

  4. Mi perrita no es de raza bulldog, boxeador o labrador pero hace unas horas tenia unos temblores de cabeza en forma horizontal ella tiene un año y un mes

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