Tag: BvetMed

  • RCVS council election manifesto: Thomas Lonsdale

    RCVS council election manifesto: Thomas Lonsdale


    THOMAS LONSDALE BVetMed, MRCVS PO Box 6096, Windsor Delivery Centre, NSW 2756, Australia. T +61 2 4577 7061 M +61 437 2928 00 E tom@rawmeatybones.com PROPOSERS: Roger Meacock, Andrew Stephens 1980s – woke from vet-school induced stupor to realisation junk pet-food industry relies on bogus science and negligent vet “profession”. 1991 – Blew whistle on…

  • RCVS council election manifesto: Lucie Goodwin

    RCVS council election manifesto: Lucie Goodwin


    LUCIE GOODWIN BVetMed, DipACVIM, MRCVS Axiom Veterinary Laboratories, The Manor House, Brunel Road, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 4PB. T 01626 355655 M 07834 784385 E lucie.mrcvs@gmail.com PROPOSERS: Katherine Hall, Hayley Mitchell I graduated from the RVC in 2004 and spent the following two years working in a busy small animal hospital in Bristol. Having been…