Tag: Cats

  • Remember, remember, the 5th of November… in June?

    Remember, remember, the 5th of November… in June?


    It’s that time of year – the daylight is getting shorter (though I somehow ended up with an extra hour on call when the clocks went back, for the second year running), the relentless summer heatwave burned itself out and, with bouts of snow at the weekend, winter seems to have appeared from nowhere. In…

  • Public health: the less recognised role of vets

    Public health: the less recognised role of vets


    Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, commonly known as “mad cow disease”, hit the news again after an isolated incident was reported in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. In the 1990s, this disease resulted in the mass culling of hundreds of thousands of livestock, devastating the farming community and causing ripples throughout the British economy. Soaring meat prices, a ban on…

  • Win £100 Amazon vouchers with Moxiclear

    Win £100 Amazon vouchers with Moxiclear


    MOXICLEAR: a new IMIDACLOPRID & MOXIDECTIN SPOT-ON for the treatment and prevention of flea infestations*, treatment of biting lice***, ear mites**, roundworm**, hookworm**, whipworm***, skinworm***, lungworm*** and the prevention of heartworm disease*. How to enter Simply play the Moxiclear bubble popping game below. Pop all nine parasites for your chance to win £100 in Amazon…

  • IV as a sign of competence?

    IV as a sign of competence?


    There’s a trend in our industry that has been apparent to me since the early days of my training and I’m wondering if this attitude is prevalent elsewhere. I see, time and again, the placement of an IV being used as a marker of general nursing skill level and competence. Yet, it‘s common for vet…

  • Reflecting on the good moments

    Reflecting on the good moments


    As me and my (non-vet) partner sat down for a rare mid-week breakfast together, I made an offhand comment about “having” to vaccinate 15 puppies that day. “What do you mean ‘have to’?” was his response. “Most people would love that, and you get paid for it.” I considered this – and, while I’m more…

  • Oh, what a month

    Oh, what a month


    From the banning of puppy and kitten sales in pet shops to outlawing electric shock collars, Holly Kernot summarises the spate of notable victories for animal welfare that took place in August.

  • The importance of pre-purchase nurse clinics – the missing piece?

    The importance of pre-purchase nurse clinics – the missing piece?


    It is a renowned fact among the veterinary profession that the number of brachycephalic breeds in rehoming centres is soaring. As veterinary nurses it needs to be our role to educate owners-to-be on which breed of dog is the most suitable for their circumstances. This allows owners to make informed decisions when opting to either…

  • How to survive your first weeks as a new grad

    How to survive your first weeks as a new grad


    You’ve done it – five long years of hard work and study have paid off and you’ve graduated as a fully fledged vet. Welcome to the veterinary community. And it is just that – a community of people who’ve all been there and had a first day as a vet. You’ll find that everyone (meaning…

  • The only way is ethics part 4: zoos

    The only way is ethics part 4: zoos


    The black-furred creature shifts and turns, and its brow furrows as it meets my gaze. Its deep brown eyes seem to convey hidden depths and, for a moment, I am electrified from a connection that reaches across millions of years of evolution. I’m awed by the knowledge another mind is looking back at me, trying…

  • Pet safety in an emergency

    Pet safety in an emergency


    It’s almost a year since the fire at Grenfell Tower in west London – an awful event taking so many lives and causing distress to those who survived. You may recall concern at the time for a number of pets there, as some people had tried to move their pets safely and had lost them,…