Tag: exotics

  • How to approach the bleeding patient, part 1

    How to approach the bleeding patient, part 1


    My patient is bleeding – what do I do? A bleeding patient can be overwhelming but there are only a few pieces of equipment that you need and a step-by-step approach. 1. Ask yourself the question: “Is my patient bleeding due to local issue (trauma, for example) or from a system coagulopathy?” If a local…

  • Rabbit versus IV

    Rabbit versus IV

    For small, fluffy, adorable creatures, rabbit care can actually be a huge challenge in the veterinary practice. They are seen to be more difficult and fragile than the standard cat or dog, and some of the veterinary team are unsure of the best protocol when handling and hospitalising. Rabbit anaesthetics and their recovery carry a…

  • Are rabbits really ‘exotic’?

    Are rabbits really ‘exotic’?


    According to PDSA [PDSA Animal Wellbeing (PAW) Report 2022], rabbits are the third most popular pet in the UK behind dogs and cats. With an estimated 1.1 million pet rabbits in the country, that’s about about a tenth of the population of pet dogs and cats, which hover around the 9 to 10 million mark.…

  • Don’t limit yourself

    Don’t limit yourself


    Fourth year at vet school seems to finish before it’s even begun – and that’s not a romanticism. It’s only six months (running from September to February), so even if you factor in time spent on exams, it sort of feels like cramming a whole year into just half the space of time. Like too…

  • Research the change you want to see in the world

    Research the change you want to see in the world


    As a good 60% of my masters is research based, there will come a time, all too soon, when I must decide definitively what avenue of research I want to explore. We don’t have much time to touch upon research or develop our skills in the area on the vet course due to the huge…

  • Chasing waterfalls

    Chasing waterfalls


    Sticking to what you’re used to is both safe and comfortable; getting to where I am now was neither of those things. All through secondary school, people told me trying to become a vet was too much effort – that if I was having to try as hard as I was, then maybe it wasn’t…

  • Are stereotypes damaging to animal welfare?

    Are stereotypes damaging to animal welfare?


    We know with people that stereotyping leads to assumptions and judgements that may be unhelpful – so is this the case with animals, too? I’ve pondered this question for a while and, while it seems we are trying to address this with regard to dog welfare, it strikes me it affects all animals. We recognise…

  • Always learning

    Always learning


    Following the recent plea to the UK Government by the British Veterinary Association, I’ve seen several articles over the past month all addressing the welfare and ethical issues concerning the sale of rabbits by themselves. I’ll be honest, reading these articles has filled me with a mild sense of guilt as I myself had a…

  • A Merry Christmas for all the family

    A Merry Christmas for all the family


    Little things you don’t consider until you spend every waking moment looking at, thinking about, or learning about animals, is how one of our favourite times of year might impact the smaller members of our families. Awareness is rising on just how traumatic Guy Fawkes night can be for our furry friends, but there is…

  • When is it okay to lie?

    When is it okay to lie?


    In the role of a caregiver, is it ever okay to lie? Little white lies, great big fibs… am I even lying to myself about lying? This topic came to mind this month while thinking about the responsibility we have to ensure we maintain relationships with the people who bring animals in for treatment. With…