Tag: Mice

  • When is it okay to lie?

    When is it okay to lie?


    In the role of a caregiver, is it ever okay to lie? Little white lies, great big fibs… am I even lying to myself about lying? This topic came to mind this month while thinking about the responsibility we have to ensure we maintain relationships with the people who bring animals in for treatment. With…

  • What happens in OSCE Club…

    What happens in OSCE Club…


    Practising for objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs) can be tough at home or work. The exams are set to assess specific tasks we carry out as part of our larger skills base. In particular, tasks such as checking a urinary catheter or carrying out tube feeding are a snapshot of the critical areas of safe…

  • The only way is ethics part 2: inequality

    The only way is ethics part 2: inequality


    I’ve written about one particular coincidence before on this blog. It’s not much of an anecdote, but it stuck with me because, in many ways, it gets to the root of one of the peculiar hypocrisies that pepper our relationship with animals. I had just finished my consultation with a long-standing feline patient – a…

  • Hypothermic snakes


    Reptiles, being cold blooded, are dependent on the environment to provide sufficient heat. If they get cold, their metabolism can become so sluggish that they cannot defend themselves, not even against a mouse. Careless owners of small snakes have been known to toss a live mouse in with the snake and then not supervise. If…