Tag: Neurology

  • Intoxication: working out possible ingested dose

    Intoxication: working out possible ingested dose


    We frequently field telephone calls from owners concerned about their pet being intoxicated or having access to a toxic compound. These are the list of questions I always ask owners: What is your pet doing? The main reason I ask this question first is to determine if the pet’s life is in danger. If the…

  • From RVN to PhD: Fraje Watson

    From RVN to PhD: Fraje Watson


    Following my previous blog on vet nurses who are completing PhDs, I now have the honour of sharing their journey from RVN to PhD. This, I hope, will offer you some insight into how you get into academia, what the funding options are, and what do you actually DO every day as a PhD student.…

  • The fallacy of prophecy

    The fallacy of prophecy


    Evolution by natural selection has provided us with some wonderful tools to make sense of and manipulate the world. All of us carry around one of the most complicated objects in the universe within our skull, and our bloated, folded brains are able create illusionary facsimiles of the world around us, and imagine what may…

  • Head trauma, part 3: hypertonic saline 7% or mannitol?

    Head trauma, part 3: hypertonic saline 7% or mannitol?


    As discussed in part 1 and part 2 of this series, many dogs and cats can recover from severe brain injuries if systemic and neurological abnormalities are identified and managed appropriately and early enough. The initial trauma to the brain parenchyma is followed by secondary damage resulting from haemorrhage, ischaemia and oedema. As the brain…

  • Handling an Addisonian crisis – part 2

    Handling an Addisonian crisis – part 2


    Managing an Addisonian crisis can be daunting, especially when the patient looks like it is about to check out and its baseline bloods show a sodium of 110mmol/L, a potassium of 8mmol/L and a glucose of 2.3mmol/L. That is enough to make anyone’s brain explode. The patient can be treated in many ways, but I…

  • Festive threats to four-legged family members

    Festive threats to four-legged family members


    Now well into December, and getting ever closer to Christmas, there will be an abundance of “goodies” around the house that are not so good for the four-legged family members. Most owners are aware of the dangers of chocolate and so are likely to rush down to the vet on Boxing Day when their Labrador…

  • Rabbiting on at London Vet Show

    Rabbiting on at London Vet Show


    Well, I finally did it. Like Christopher Reeve in Superman III, I am using my superpowers for evil. I’m not suggesting I am planning to melt anyone with laser eye beams (though if I had them, they would be great for amputating limbs), but I did agree to write this blog post for a pet…