Tag: Parasites
Hirudotherapy – not just for the movies
Hirudotherapy is the use of leeches in a medically controlled environment to treat medical and surgical problems. Within the veterinary world, Hirudotherapy is less commonly used than in human medicine, yet has been shown to aid a variety of cases. This is something I have never personally seen or worked with, but as someone who…
How the vet degree has shaped my plate
Before coming to university, I never really gave much thought to the life or journey of my food before it ended up on my plate; I wasn’t well informed on the topics of air miles, methane production or abattoir welfare standards. If you had asked me if I wanted to make sure the foods I…
Eosinophils: worms, wheezes, and weird diseases
Unless you’re a parasitic nematode (and I suspect the majority of you reading this aren’t) or suffer from an allergy (probably a bit more likely), it’s hard not to be a little bit excited when you see an eosinophil. Just like their brothers-in-arms, the neutrophils, eosinophils are part of the front-line defences of the immune…
Sustainable pet ownership
Pet owning is carbon costly – not just in terms of veterinary care and treatment, but also due to their diet and the products we buy for them. But if we look at the bigger picture, we may find that pets could, in fact, reduce an individual’s carbon footprint due to the type of lifestyle…
Public health: the less recognised role of vets
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, commonly known as “mad cow disease”, hit the news again after an isolated incident was reported in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. In the 1990s, this disease resulted in the mass culling of hundreds of thousands of livestock, devastating the farming community and causing ripples throughout the British economy. Soaring meat prices, a ban on…
Win £100 Amazon vouchers with Moxiclear
MOXICLEAR: a new IMIDACLOPRID & MOXIDECTIN SPOT-ON for the treatment and prevention of flea infestations*, treatment of biting lice***, ear mites**, roundworm**, hookworm**, whipworm***, skinworm***, lungworm*** and the prevention of heartworm disease*. How to enter Simply play the Moxiclear bubble popping game below. Pop all nine parasites for your chance to win £100 in Amazon…