Tag: Pigs
Are rabbits really ‘exotic’?
According to PDSA [PDSA Animal Wellbeing (PAW) Report 2022], rabbits are the third most popular pet in the UK behind dogs and cats. With an estimated 1.1 million pet rabbits in the country, that’s about about a tenth of the population of pet dogs and cats, which hover around the 9 to 10 million mark.…
How the vet degree has shaped my plate
Before coming to university, I never really gave much thought to the life or journey of my food before it ended up on my plate; I wasn’t well informed on the topics of air miles, methane production or abattoir welfare standards. If you had asked me if I wanted to make sure the foods I…
Would you like some chlorine with your chicken?
With the news being dominated by coronavirus over the past few months, other issues are slipping below the radar. With work currently being all-consuming, I am barely keeping up with the ever-changing rules of lockdown (are we still calling it that?), never mind anything else. As a result, news that MPs voted against an amendment…
Why am I a farm vet?
I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about purpose lately… I suspect, as a lot of veterinary students prepare for finals and graduation, they’re probably wondering what theirs is, too. They’re only a handful of years into this career and they’ve probably had to answer “why did you want to be a vet?” thousands of…
On call for Christmas
It’s a clear sign of impending Christmas time when client gifts, in the form of those jumbo tins of Quality Street, start creeping back into the practice. If that’s not enough of a festive indicator, the diary being absolutely blocked solid with MASSIVELY URGENT things that absolutely must be done before Christmas is a sure…
Four legs good
Every so often, something reminds me – and I start to wonder. When I start to wonder, I begin to feel a sense of moral panic that threatens to underline pretty much all my life choices – so I generally stop thinking about it as soon as I can. Here’s the latest thing: at the…