Tag: Pseudomonas

  • Cytology better than swabs for culture in cases of otitis externa


    This one’s a little controversial, but some evidence exists that taking swabs for culture from cases of otitis externa can lead to poor reproducibility. Swabs taken from the same ear may produce different isolates, and even when the isolates agree, they may have different (antibiotic) susceptibility patterns (Bloom, 2015; Graham-Mize et al, 2004; and Schick, 2007). Bloom (2015),…

  • Ticarcillin as a treatment for Pseudomonas otitis


    I suspect we have all come across that tricky Pseudomonas otitis case that just seem to refuse to completely respond to antibiotic therapy in spite of extensive investigation for underlying causes. I had just one such case recently that, in spite of culture and sensitivity, blood work, skin biopsy, extensive flushing, lack of response to…