Tag: Rabbits
Rabbit versus IV
For small, fluffy, adorable creatures, rabbit care can actually be a huge challenge in the veterinary practice. They are seen to be more difficult and fragile than the standard cat or dog, and some of the veterinary team are unsure of the best protocol when handling and hospitalising. Rabbit anaesthetics and their recovery carry a…
Are rabbits really ‘exotic’?
According to PDSA [PDSA Animal Wellbeing (PAW) Report 2022], rabbits are the third most popular pet in the UK behind dogs and cats. With an estimated 1.1 million pet rabbits in the country, that’s about about a tenth of the population of pet dogs and cats, which hover around the 9 to 10 million mark.…
Are stereotypes damaging to animal welfare?
We know with people that stereotyping leads to assumptions and judgements that may be unhelpful – so is this the case with animals, too? I’ve pondered this question for a while and, while it seems we are trying to address this with regard to dog welfare, it strikes me it affects all animals. We recognise…
Always learning
Following the recent plea to the UK Government by the British Veterinary Association, I’ve seen several articles over the past month all addressing the welfare and ethical issues concerning the sale of rabbits by themselves. I’ll be honest, reading these articles has filled me with a mild sense of guilt as I myself had a…
A Merry Christmas for all the family
Little things you don’t consider until you spend every waking moment looking at, thinking about, or learning about animals, is how one of our favourite times of year might impact the smaller members of our families. Awareness is rising on just how traumatic Guy Fawkes night can be for our furry friends, but there is…
Recognising clients
Any vet will see numerous clients on a daily basis, with small animal vets in particular often interacting with more than 30 in a day. There are, of course, a number of “regulars” that have many animals, or seemingly a spate of bad luck and end up bring their beloved pet to us repeatedly, which…
What’s in a name?
We put a great deal of thought into naming our pets. We want something that will suit them – be that their breed, colour or personality – but it can be difficult to come up with something suitable, especially if they’re young kittens or puppies and you aren’t sure what they’ll look like in adulthood.…
The only way is ethics part 2: inequality
I’ve written about one particular coincidence before on this blog. It’s not much of an anecdote, but it stuck with me because, in many ways, it gets to the root of one of the peculiar hypocrisies that pepper our relationship with animals. I had just finished my consultation with a long-standing feline patient – a…
Clients’ perception of pain in their pets
I’ve been hearing a classic client phrase a little too much recently. I realise it can be difficult for some people to get – that animals feel physical pain just like we do – but when the evidence is staring you straight in the face (or even trying to bite your hand), why can people…
Prepping for pets: be prepared for anything
If you haven’t heard the name “prepper”, a whole sub-culture is passing you by. These are the people prepared for an apocalypse, not just some really bad weather. And I don’t just mean they have a few cans of beans and a camping stove set aside – these people are serious. They stockpile enough food…