Tag: referral

  • RCVS council election manifesto: Christopher ‘Kit’ Sturgess

    RCVS council election manifesto: Christopher ‘Kit’ Sturgess


    CHRISTOPHER ‘KIT’ STURGESS MA, VetMB, PhD, CertVR, CertVC, DSAM, MRCVS 39 New Forest Drive, Brockenhurst, Hampshire SO42 7QT. T 01590 623033 M 07974 017303 E kit@vetfreedom.com PROPOSERS: Rob Lowe, Gerry Polton I qualified from the University of Cambridge in 1986 and spent six years in first-opinion practice, moving from mixed through equine to 100 per…

  • RCVS council election manifesto: Lucie Goodwin

    RCVS council election manifesto: Lucie Goodwin


    LUCIE GOODWIN BVetMed, DipACVIM, MRCVS Axiom Veterinary Laboratories, The Manor House, Brunel Road, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 4PB. T 01626 355655 M 07834 784385 E lucie.mrcvs@gmail.com PROPOSERS: Katherine Hall, Hayley Mitchell I graduated from the RVC in 2004 and spent the following two years working in a busy small animal hospital in Bristol. Having been…

  • EMS funding support: hoping the sums add up

    EMS funding support: hoping the sums add up


    The scrapping of the maintenance grant is only the beginning of upcoming UK financial changes that promise to affect students in the near future. The removal of the cap on tuition fees is soon to come under scrutiny, with the possibility of universities being free to charge more for tuition fees than they currently do.…

  • Dentistry: do you know all the options?


    I have been teaching surgical nursing and during a recent oronasal session we covered dentistry. The class is varied, but most of the students have at least two years in practice at a variety of first opinion and referral practices – yet many were still surprised at the options clients and pets have for dental treatment. There was particular surprise that…

  • Email and information security


    More commonly these days, our practice management systems (PMS) are able to distil a patient’s records and send the package via email. This is a tremendously convenient tool for us – it is a lot quicker and cheaper to do it this way than struggling with the arcane and temperamental fax machine. However, bear in…

  • ‘Real’ doctors


    Everyone knows that there’s an ancient feud between vet and medical students. Glasgow is no exception – only the other day, I had a heated debate on the topic with another student (who, annoyingly,  wasn’t even a medic). While, for the most part, it’s just friendly banter, there is some truth in both arguments. A doctor…