Tag: Salmonellosis

  • Idiopathic AHDS in dogs: treat with antibiotics or not?

    Idiopathic AHDS in dogs: treat with antibiotics or not?


    Idiopathic acute haemorrhagic diarrhoea syndrome (AHDS) – previously known as haemorrhagic gastroenteritis – remains the one disease where constant debate exists as to whether antibiotics should be used as part of the standard treatment. The logic behind using antibiotics to prevent bacterial translocation is sound, and if AHDS is truly initiated by Clostridium species or…

  • Naming names

    Naming names


    The naming of all things medical has always interested me… just who was Lister and how did he create his bandage scissors? Is there a Mr Gelpi around whose great-grandfather invented the retractors? Surgical instruments, surgical procedures and diseases have been given a variety of weird and wonderful names over the years. However, regardless of…