Tag: Stress

  • Is puppy yoga flexibly ethical?

    Is puppy yoga flexibly ethical?


    Is puppy yoga the new cat café? Is it a new passing trend or here to stay? Either way, as a student with a passion for both fitness and animals, I was initially intrigued. But I can’t help but have concerns for whether this practice is beneficial for all members of the class. Five freedoms…

  • Laryngeal paralysis

    Laryngeal paralysis


    This patient was brought to us for exercise intolerance, breathing difficulty and loud airway sounds. The patient has laryngeal paralysis. This is where the muscles controlling the arytenoids cartilages do not work and leads to failure of opening of the arytenoids during inspiration. Most commonly seen in middle-aged large breed dogs, it can occur acutely,…

  • Abdominal ultrasound, pt 3: scanning procedure

    Abdominal ultrasound, pt 3: scanning procedure


    I cannot stress enough how crucial it is to develop a systematic approach to doing ultrasounds. Not only will this approach help develop an anatomic mind map, it will also safeguard you from accidentally overlooking organs. When examining each individual organ, the same theory applies. This will ensure you look at each organ in its…

  • Joey’s big break

    Joey’s big break


    As autumn seems to be on the verge of appearing, September 11th is on my mind. Not for the obvious reason but because on this day last year Joey got his big break. Not in snooker or on the stage, but his left hind. In a squirrel related incident during a walk he didn’t even…

  • Blood gas analysis, pt 4: respiratory acidosis and alkalosis

    Blood gas analysis, pt 4: respiratory acidosis and alkalosis


    Assessing the respiratory component is simple. A quick glance at the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2) level can tell you whether a respiratory acidosis or alkalosis is present. If the PCO2 level is elevated (respiratory acidosis) then either a primary respiratory acidosis is present, or it is the result of a compensatory response to…

  • Mental health and self-care in our veterinary nursing community

    Mental health and self-care in our veterinary nursing community


    As Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month nears its end, the appreciation I have as a vet for hard-working nurses worldwide remains endless. You are compassionate and empathetic, counsellors to distressed clients, shoulders to cry on, advocates for pets and a vet’s most reliable comrade. Together, we have the power to save and better the lives of…

  • How the vet degree has shaped my plate

    How the vet degree has shaped my plate


    Before coming to university, I never really gave much thought to the life or journey of my food before it ended up on my plate; I wasn’t well informed on the topics of air miles, methane production or abattoir welfare standards. If you had asked me if I wanted to make sure the foods I…

  • Social media, pt3 – choosing the right platform

    Social media, pt3 – choosing the right platform


    Understanding which social media platform will work for your practice really depends on your key audience and the type of content you want to share. Loads of social media platforms exist and I sometimes find I’ve just got the hang of one, only to be encouraged to try a new one. It’s easy to get…

  • PCV/total solids: getting the most from simple test

    PCV/total solids: getting the most from simple test


    The PCV and total solids (TS) test is simple, yet informative – but is often misinterpreted or underused. It is important to remember all test results need to be interpreted in light of the patient’s history, presenting clinical signs and general physical examination findings. The various changes that can be found on a PCV/TS, and…

  • Euthanasia (part 2): caring for the patient

    Euthanasia (part 2): caring for the patient


    Last month we discussed the importance of caring for clients during the process of euthanising their much-loved pet. This month, we focus on your patient. The goals of euthanasia are always to make it as painless, fearless and stress-free as possible for the patient. Pain relief Most patients presented for euthanasia are either suffering from…